#6 success facts you must learn from 2014 World Cup.

2014 world cup had been an interesting tournament since it commencement on 12 june 2014, with the Defending Champion “Spain” being the first team to be sure of elimination from the group stage other teams like england, italy also out in the group stage and Chile qualifying for the round 16 for the first time.

I discover that it is not the best teams in the tournament that made it to the next stage but those team who did one thing most, I know you are wondering what they did.

As you move into the next half of the year, for you to be a fulfilled person @ The end of the year you must apply this principles.

Only those teams that scored more goals in the tournament are remaining and that is what I want to discuss with you.

Everyone knows about goal setting,
but most of us don’t know how to do
it right.

6 Lessons are:

1.Learn the #1 Habit of Peak

The power of goal setting is undisputed – it is one
of the most common characteristics of successful
individuals. Read the biographies of some of
history’s most successful men and you will find
that they had concrete dreams, visions or goals
of what they wished to achieve.

Desire – Belief – Expectancy

Jose Silva teaches that when you set a goal you
need to adopt three qualities to help manifest the
end result.


First, you must have a burning desire to achieve the


Second,you must have a strong belief that the goal
is possible and within reach.

Third, you must be in the state of expectancy – you
must be expecting to see results.

2. Think Big

We create our own limitations. Most of us are guilty
of aiming too low rather than aiming too high.

Walton dreamt big – even as a kid. With each
accomplishment his confidence grew, and his goals
became greater and greater. He did not set limits on

When you’re setting a goal, keep this in mind:
“A good goal should scare you a little
and excite you a lot.”

Think of your current goals and test them against
this rule. If your goals do not both scare and excite
you – try targeting something a little more

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can
envision the fact that you can do something, you
can do it – as long as you really believe it 100

~ Arnold Schwarzenegger, world renown
actor,sportsman and Governor of California

3. Don’t Let Defeat Get You Down

Sam liked to smile when he thinks of one of his early
bosses at J.C. Penney who had told him “I’d fire you
if you weren’t such a good salesman; maybe you’re
just not cut out for retail.”
He did not let other people’s negative ideas
influence him. When he lost his first store he
overcame his depression, then packed is bags,
moved to a new town and started again.

Perhaps if Sam had not lost his first store and been
forced to start new in Bentonville Wal-Mart would
not have been founded. Defeat, when viewed from
a greater perspective, is often simply a mechanism
of setting us on the right path or teaching us a
valuable lesson.

4. Desire – Belief – Expectancy

Your goals must meet the criteria of Desire, Belief
and Expectancy.
The goal must be something you strongly desire.
The greater your desire the stronger your will to
pursue the goal.

Napoleon Hill said “If your desires
are strong enough you will appear to possess
super-human powers to achieve.”
Next, the goal must be something you believe is in
the realm of the possible. This depends on your
belief system. As you accomplish more in life your
self-belief grows. This increases your confidence
and fuels you to accomplish even bigger things.
Finally, you must expect the end result to occur.

Sam Walton said
I expect to win. I go into tough challenges always
planning to come out victorious. It never occurred
to me that I might lose, it was almost as if I had a
right to win. Thinking like that often seems to turn
into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Expectancy is harder to create.

But the tool of
creative visualization helps tremendously. Your
subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a
real experience and an imagined experience. By
frequently visualizing the end result you desire you
cause your subconscious to accept it to be real.

causes the mind to draw that situation into your life.
Perhaps, no one has summarized this point more
clearly than Gandhi when he said:

“The man I want to become, if I believe myself to be,
I will become”.

Step 5 – Begin the Process of Creative

You should place Life Planning Chart in a location
where you’re likely to view it daily. It could be in an
office drawer you open daily, as a file on your
computer desktop or in a frame on your wall.

When you meditate daily using the ,
spend a few minutes visualizing yourself achieving
each goal. You could also create an affirmation for
each focus area. (Refer to Lesson 4 of this Program).

Step 6 – Begin taking Action towards
Your Goals.

You now have your long-term vision. You have the
steps you need to do this year to achieve that vision.
Now put your plan in action.
Take a step, even the smallest step towards that

When you take your first step you set the
wheels in motion for your mind to manifest your
dreams into reality.
Make it a point to start your life planning process as
soon as you can and to practice goal setting and
creative visualization on a daily basis.
Sooner rather than later, you will be able to have it
all, health, happiness, wealth and much more.

It’s never too late to begin creating the life of your

Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a
man who will make history. Give me a man without
a goal and I’ll give you a stock clerk.
~ J.C. Penney, Founder of the J.C. Penney stores.

I believe that with this principles, you would be able to make something out of 2014 second Half, go into the game of life and Win.

Samson uyi.
The Great Innovator.

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

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